NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Sonora, State of California, will receive bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and services for the construction of the:
The project consists of: Construct concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, brick bands, driveways brick planters, asphalt paving, along with associated amenities. Located at the intersection of Elkin Street, Snell Street and North Washington Street/SR49.
Each bid is to be in strict accordance with the Project Plans and Specifications (hereinafter called the “Proposal Requirements”) on file at the City Administration Office, 94 N. Washington Street, Sonora, California.
Proposal Requirements may be examined at said Administration Office and copies may be obtained at:
Sonora Blueprint & Copy Company
19515 Village Drive, Suite A
Sonora, CA 95370
(209) 532-5223
Upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of $141.48 which includes a full set of Plans and Specifications, a digital copy on CD, shipping & handling, and tax. Please note that Sonora Blueprint’s offices will be closed Monday, November 22 through Friday, November 26th, and Tuesday December 7th through Friday December 10th, so please plan accordingly.
Bid proposals shall be submitted to the City Administration Office, 94 N. Washington Street, Sonora, CA, 95370, on or before 2:00 PM on the 10th day of December, 2021, and will be opened in public at 2:00 PM on that day in the City Hall Administration Conference Room, 94 North Washington Street, Sonora, California and then and there read and recorded. Any bid received after the time specified herein will be returned to the bidder unopened.
To read the entire notice: click on the link above titled Red Church Pedestrian and Circulation Improvement Project.